The United Planetary Republic (UPR or Republic) was established in order to prevent a frontier mentality from developing as new worlds were colonized. While each planet has its own local customs and administration, the Republic sets the standards and practices for legislation and regulation across human-controlled space. Made up of elected officials from each human-occupied planet, the Republic is a democratic federation that strives for equality in its representation. Major planets are allowed multiple representatives in proportion to their population, but are allowed only one vote. Colonial planets typically have 1 or 2 reps; they, too, are allowed one vote. Senate meetings are held every two months on the capital planet Babylon, where federal laws and project funding are decided upon. Although the system was created with the best interests of humanity in mind, it has become increasingly clear that it is flawed and no longer servicing all of its people.
republic defense serviceThe military and defense force for all human colonized planets under UPR authority. They are divided into three sections:
The military is made up of the Republic Army and Airforce—used primarily for planetside air and ground assaults—and the Navy—who operate primarily in space. The RDS Fleet is responsible for keeping all interplanetary travel safe; its ships conduct regular patrols to combat piracy. The Marine Corps are the special ops infantry deployed to defend Republic vessels and installations. Minimum enlistment age is 18; ranks mirror the structure of the US armed forces.
Peacekeepers are the military police force. They are used to solve crimes, bring justice upon fugitives, and protect any and all citizens from violations of the law. Perhaps ironically, Peacekeepers are authorized to use deadly force if and when necessary. The majority of Peacekeepers receive posts on a single planet, though some may travel to conduct investigations or perform escort duties on a federal level.
Infiltrators, as they are colloquially known, belong to the Republic Intelligence Division. They perform reconnaissance and intel gathering and analysis duties to root out any hidden threats to the Republic. All RID agents are highly skilled technicians, though field operatives receive training in espionage and combat. It is something of a known secret that Infiltrators have been used to quietly eliminate targets in lieu of conducting full scale military operation.